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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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Searched for: Race and Ethnicity
  1. The Economic Impact of Veteran Status: The Effect of Veteran and Demographic Statuses on Household Income

    Determining the effects of military service on those who volunteer is of vital importance in an age when service may lead to the loss of bodily function or life. The aim of this study was to examine the effect...

  2. Radicalism in American Political Thought : Black Power, the Black Panthers, and the American Creed

    American Political Thought has presented somewhat of a challenge to many because of the conflict between the ideals found within the "American Creed" and the reality of America's treatment of ethnic and social...

  3. Assessing Environmental Inequality in Portland, Oregon: An Exploration of Local Environmental Justice Struggles

    This thesis explores patterns of environmental inequality in Portland, Oregon; both the existence of spatial environmental inequalities and the structural and local forces which contribute to them. Research on...

  4. Human Trafficking and Slavery: Towards a New Framework for Prevention and Responsibility

    Human trafficking and slavery are horrific crimes that require strict penalties for perpetrators and effective protections for survivors, but these crimes are in part facilitated by a system of laws and norms...

  5. Black studies as an agent of social change on the structural level at selected colleges and universities.

    In a relatively short period of time American higher education has witnessed the development of numerous black studies programs and departments. These new academic endeavors have been instrumental in producing...

  6. Attitudes toward Science (ATS): An Examination of Scientists' and Native Americans' Cultural Values and ATS and their Effect...

    Science has been identified as a crucial element in the competitiveness and sustainability of America in the global economy. American citizens, especially minority populations, however, are not pursuing science...

  7. Stories of Success: Understanding Academic Achievement of Hispanic Students in Science

    A review of the literature shows that there is much evidence to suggest the challenges facing Hispanic students in American public schools. Hispanic enrollment in K-12 public schools has increased from 6 to 19%...

  8. An Empirical Assessment of the Gentrification Process in Northwest Portland, Oregon

    Since the late 1960s and early 1970s, many American cities experienced the process of gentrification, and there are many studies based on data from this time period. A first purpose of this study was to follow...

  9. Papers Please: Immigration, Enforcement, and Remittances

    Immigrants are an understated agent in local economies. Whilst legal immigrants may be accounted for in the macro realm, illegal immigrants are very much an externality. Immigrant agents participate heavily in...

  10. The Impact of Adolescent Neighborhood and School Context on Asian and Latino Young Adults’ Native Language Use with Family

    While opponents of immigration often claim that the new immigrants are failing to learn English and thus to assimilate, a growing body of research suggests otherwise. In fact, Anglicization, or loss of mother...
