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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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Searched for: Race and Ethnicity
  1. Racial Differences in the Association between Socioeconomic Position and Mortality: Does Occupation Matter?

    The purpose of this study is to examine the association of SEP on mortality rate differentials between non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black adults, in a nationally representative sample, with an emphasis...

  2. “Listen to What your Jotería is Saying”: Coverage of the 2016 Orlando Shooting by English- and Spanish-Language Media

    This study will focus on coverage of the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting by multiple English- and Spanish-language media sources in the month following the attack. The study assesses the extent through which...

  3. Through the Eyes of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots: The Perception of Cyprus

    It is important to consider the effects of past conflicts on the current perceptions of the people of Cyprus and of the future generations. This thesis contends that the ongoing division of Cyprus along with...

  4. Most Americans are Now Opposed to Laws Against Interracial Marriage, but Their Behavior Does Not Yet Reflect These Attitudes

    Recent decades have seen a dramatic fall in the number of people that support laws which prohibit interracial marriages, and an increase in the number of these marriages. But why does the rate of interracial...

  5. Racial Bias in Driver Yielding Behavior at Crosswalks

    Racial minorities are disproportionately represented in pedestrian traffic fatalities, indicating a significant public health and safety issue. Psychological and social identity-related factors have previously...

  6. Track I Diplomacy and Civil Society in Cyprus: Reconciliation and Peacebuilding During Negotiations

    This paper examines the relationship between Track I Diplomacy and Civil Society in Cyprus. Cyprus has been a divided island for over 45 years despite numerous attempts at reconciliation on the societal level...

  7. Distress under Duress: The Relationship between Campus Climate and Depression in Asian American College Students

    Student perceptions of negative campus climate were predictive of Asian American students’ depression levels in spite of students’ entering proclivities toward depression and in spite of varying...

  8. White bashing? Teaching "Hot-Button" Issues via Indirection

    The biggest barriers to learning about racism, sexism, and the other oppressions, are the non-rational aversive reactions most of us have to the material and to the learning process. When men truly inquire into...

  9. Residential Segregation and Social Integration: Do Blacks and Whites Differ?

    While it is well known that racial residential segregation affects social behaviors and various outcomes of individuals, research about the relationship between residential segregation and social integration is...

  10. From Food Desert to Food Mirage: Race, Social Class, and Food Shopping in a Gentrifying Neighborhood

    New supermarkets in previous “food deserts” can benefit residents by improving their access to healthful, affordable food. But in gentrifying neighborhoods characterized by the inflow of middle-class, white...
