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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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Searched for: Race and Ethnicity
  1. Rooted in the Past, Blind to the Present: Health Care Administrators’ Perceived Role and Response to Spanish-Speaking...

    xiv, 141 p. : ill.

  2. An Examination of the Relation Between Self-Perceived Leadership Practices of High School Principals and Student Achievement

    The current study explored the relation between the self-perceived leadership practices of Portland Metro area high school principals (N = 28) and the achievement levels of Hispanic and non-Hispanic White high...

  3. Child and Maternal Health in the Slavic Community: Insights on Assets and Priorities

    The Slavic community’s health is impacted by race and ethnicity, and also by issues that flow from being a newcomer community, and also from their status as refugees. They also bring to the U.S.A. cultural...

  4. News Images, Race, and Attribution in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina

    This study looks at the effect of news images and race on the attribution of responsibility for the consequences of Hurricane Katrina. Participants, Black and White, read the same news story about the hurricane...

  5. "Race and the Media in Portland Oregon" - Part 1, the Black Bag Speakers Series, PSU, 2008

    The Black Bag Speaker Series features a panel on "Race in the Media in Portland, Oregon: The Foxworth Case." Part 1 of 2.

  6. "Race and the Media in Portland Oregon" - Part 2, the Black Bag Speakers Series, PSU, 2008

    The Black Bag Speaker Series features a panel on "Race in the Media in Portland, Oregon: The Foxworth Case." Part 2 of 2.

  7. Achievement Unlocked: Increasing Social Justice Awareness in Middle School Students Through Board Games

    “An undeniably vast portion of American history is attributed to people of color. But these stories of discoveries and researches, resilience and liberation all seemed like missing pieces to the puzzle that...

  8. Foster care disparities in Oregon across race/ethnicity and economic characteristics

    This thesis analyzes different aspects of the Oregon foster care system. It does this first by looking at racial/ethnic disparities across counties. Then it analyzes the relationship between foster care rates...

  9. The Stories We Tell: A Qualitative Inquiry to Multiracial Family Storytelling

    A narrative inheritance is comprised of the stories told by family members that are received by a younger generation and used to help construct identity. According to the communication theory of identity,...

  10. Marcus Garvey: A Legacy Obscured by Infamy

    Marcus Garvey was a 20th century Jamaican civil rights leader. Garvey is noted for founding the Universal Negro Improvement Association in an effort to promote black pride as well as establish black economic...

