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Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

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Searched for: Race and Ethnicity
  1. Critical Race Theory and the Perspectives of Black Men Teachers in the Los Angeles Public Schools

    When asked why he teaches in urban schools, a respondent softly uttered these words: “I teach ‘cause I keep seein’ me’’. This is an emotional and revealing statement made by a 35-year-old Black man...

  2. Revisiting Invasion-Succession: Social Relations in a Gentrifying Neighborhood

    This thesis examines the social relationships of different residents in a gentrifying neighborhood in Northeast Portland, Oregon. It examines theoretical tenants in the social identity tradition to understand...

  3. Beyond Fruit: Examining Community in a Community Orchard

    The Fruits of Diversity Community Orchard, located in Portland, Oregon in an affordable housing neighborhood, is a site of alternative food provisioning in which a group of people, organized by two nonprofits,...

  4. Chicanos in Oregon: An historical overview

    Spaniards were the first Europeans to explore the Pacific Northwest coastline, but the only evidence of these early visits is a sprinkling of Spanish place names commemorating the intrepid voyagers. The more...

  5. Agency, Consolidation, and Consequence: Evaluating Social and Political Change in New Orleans, 1868-1900

    In the last twenty years, recent scholarship has opened up fresh inquiry into several aspects of New Orleans society during the late nineteenth century. Much work has been done to reassess the political and...

  6. Urbanization in a Peripheral Capitalist State: A Guyana Case Study

    This research proposes to examine the process of urbanization in Guyana, South America. In particular, the objectives of this research are threefold. The first is to identify, describe, and evaluate some of the...

  7. "But There's a Black History Month": A Content Analysis of Ideological Framing and Presentation in White Nationalist...

    The political climate in America continues to become more polarized each year. The "left" and "right" political parties are locked in near-constant struggle and it is often the people whom they are meant to...

  8. Developing One's Self: Adoption and Identity Formation Through the Eyes of Transracially Adopted Native American Adults

    Life story methods were used to explore the contextual factors that influenced the experiences and identity formation of seven Native American adults who were transracially adopted prior to the passage of the...

  9. Mistrust: An Exploration of African Americans' Attitudes and Perspectives Toward Healthcare

    This dissertation explored mistrust through focus group discussions (study 1), responses to standardized laboratory vignettes (study 2), and survey questionnaires (study 3). In the first study, I found that...

