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Article presented by the Sage Grouse Initiative that shows how it pays to treat invasive grasses on...
Invasive annual grasses have impacted more than 5 million acres of rangelands in Oregon with a...
Story map by the Natural Resource Conservation Service that features photos and narrative about the...
Table of Contents: SageCon Meeting Materials on Oregon Solutions SageCon Website Fire and...
Tags: Sage-Grouse
Why is the sagebrush steppe ecosystem unique and threatened? It is the most widespread ecosystem...
*/ Overview Threat-based ecostate maps provide a spatial depiction of...
Tags: Sage-Grouse
The following is a curated list of vegetation map products (as of June 2021) that are most...
The SageCon Partnership represents a diverse group of stakeholders who have come together...
Invasive annual grasses in Oregon rangelands negatively affect wildlife, rangeland health, and...

