Tsunami & Marine Debris

Tsunami & Marine Debris

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Searched for: Tsunami & Marine Debris
  1. Multi-hazard framework and analysis of soil-bridge systems : long duration earthquake and tsunami loading

    During the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, numerous bridge structures were damage or destroyed. The damage to bridge systems was caused by long duration strong ground shaking, tsunami inundation...

  2. Fluid Boundaries: The Social Construction and Memory of Future Catastrophic Environmental Risk in a Community on the Oregon...

    The Oregon coast is facing the dual perils of climate change and the catastrophic Cascadia subduction zone earthquake and tsunami, yet many communities remain unprepared. Using qualitative interviews with...

  3. Kinematic Constraints on Tremor and Slow Slip in Cascadia and Implications for Fault Properties

    Subduction zone fault processes range from tsunami-generating megathrust events to aseismic creep along the deeper portions of the fault. Episodic tremor and slow slip (ETS) represents the transition between...
