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A collection of historical and contemporary photographs, maps, documents, and records focused on the Columbia River Basin.
"This plan serves as a blueprint for the recovery of ten Middle Columbia River (Mid-C)steelhead populations that occupy Oregon tributaries to the...
Table of model criteria used in developing the Greenprint for Deschutes county by The Trust for Public Lands, June 11, 2010.
"The Greenprint for Deschutes County is a conservation plan that identifies the landscapes that contribute the most to quality of life and the...
The Deschutes Basin Bibliography was created to provide a resource for scholarly research to be used in tandem with the Oregon Explorer Deschutes...
"The Deschutes Subbasin Plan direct Bonneville Power Administration funding of projects that protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife that...
An historical look at the Crooked River Project, the building of the Bowman Dam and its impact on irrigation and recreation in the area.
Brief history of the Crooked River Basin region.
This report of the status and recommended restoration actions for native fish in the Upper Deschutes basin is intended for citizen advocates. The...